Giant Ape 5e | D&D Monsters Guide for 5e

We have mentioned everything about Giant Ape Monster below. Start reading by scrolling down..

Huge Beast, Unaligned

Armor Class: 12

Hit Points: 157 (15d12 + 60)

Skills: For a giant ape, the skills are Athletics +9, Perception +4.


Senses: Passive Perception 14

Challenge: 7 (2,900 XP)

Proficiency Bonus: +3

Speed: The speed of the giant ape is 40 feet, and the climbing is 40 feet.

STR – 23 (+6)

DEX – 14 (+2)

CON – 18 (+4)

INT – 7 (-2)

WIS – 12 (+1)

CHA – 7 (-2)


Multiattack: Two fist attacks are made by the ape.

Fist: A Melee Weapon attack with +9 to hit, 10 feet range, one target. The character has been hit with 22 (2d10 + 6) bludgeoning damages.

Rock: The following information relates to the ranged weapon attack: +9 to hit, 50 to 100 feet range, one target. A hit deals 30 (7d6 +6) bludgeoning damage.

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