Exhaustion 5e – Guide for 5th Edition of D&D

Exhaustion 5e is a very intresting & important on dnd. This post we have briefly discuss their Exhaustion Level, Exhaustion Rule, Exhaustion Causes & traveling with exhaustion are completely describe.

What is Exhaustion in D&D 5e

Exhaustion, much like Poisoned or Grappled, is a condition that can be applied to a creature when they are exposed to particularly draining circumstances in D&D 5e.

The way exhaustion works is similar to other conditions in that when a creature is exposed to a catalyst for exhaustion, they are requried to make a Constitution saving throw or become afflicted by the condition.

While this may sound familiar, exhaustion works different than other Conditions because there are 6 different levels that have effects that stack based on how many times the creature has been exposed to the exhausted condition and how many times they have failed their save.

Exhaustion is unique when compared to other conditions because, first and foremost, it is condition to represent the effect of pushing one’s self beyond normal limits.

Exhaustion is featured prominently in the Dungeon Master’s Guide Chapter 8: Adventuring.

It is described as a result of eating too little, traveling too far and too fast, or exposure to extreme environments.

D&D 5e Exhaustion Rules

When a creature fails a saving throw against exhaustion, they gain one or more level of exhaustion, depending on the effect.

If a creature already has a level of exhaustion, they continue to gain additional levels.

For example, when your Berserker Barbarian comes out of their Frenzied Rage, they will gain one level of exhaustion.

They are then exposed to extreme heat and fail their CON saving throw. This means your Barbarian now has two levels of exhaustion and suffers from both the first level and second level’s effects.

Levels of Exhaustion 5e

The six levels of exhaustion are as follows. The effects of these levels start fairly innocuous but quickly evolve into dangerous disadvantages because of the exponential nature of the condition.

1Disadvantages on ability checks
2Speed halved
3Disadvantages on attack rolls and saving throws
4Hit points maximum halved
5Speed reduced to 0

Exhaustion Level-1

Disadvantages on ability checks isn’t great but it’s also easily avoided.

In combat, ability checks are quite rare unless you are playing a grappling build or a Rogue that likes to bonus action Hide.

Outside of combat, you can sit back and provide the Help action to party members that need to make ability checks while adventuring.

It can also be remedied easily as single long rest with food and drink can cure your exhaustion.

Exhaustion Level-2

Having your speed halved is again not the worst thing in the world.

Of course, the main disadvantages when you have two levels of exhaustion is not being able to travel as far over a single adventuring day.

This won’t always be a problem, but if you are trapped in an extremely hot or cold environment that is casusing your exhaustion you likely want to get out of there as quickly as possible.

This level aslo starts to drastically affect your performance in combat.

Melee fighters will feel this effect the hardest, as it will be much harder to get close to enemies and protect weaker party members

Exhaustion Level-3

The third level of exhaustion is where things start to get really nasty.

Disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and half movement is a massive debuff for almost any character.

Some builds, specifically full caster builds, will likely be able to use their spells to brush the majority of these effects aside, but melee and ranged builds will see a severe drop in effectiveness in combat.

This level is also particularly dangerous because it will makr you roll death saving throws with disadvantage.

The math behind ddisadvantages is quite complex but it work out to give a – 5 to a roll that needs 11 to pass, like death saving throws.

This means that there is a 25% greater chance of death when rolling death saves with exhaustion level 3.

All thinge said and done, if you get to the third level of exhaustion make it your almost priority to get the condition resolved.

Exhaustion Level-4

Having your hit point maximum reduced by half is dreadful at any level. This, combined with the fact you’ll be making death saves with disadvantage, means that if you hit the fourth level of exhaustion, you are in dire starits.

Exhaustion Level-5

The cherry on the cake of exhaustion. The only cure for not being able to move is to remove a level of exhaustion. If you are still in dangerous territory by this points, it may be too late.

Exhaustion Level-6

Getting to the sixth level of exhaustion means death. No unconsciousness, no saving throws.

Similar to getting your Strength drained by a Shadow, reaching the sixth level of exhaustion is game over (barring resurrection spells, of course).

What Cause Exhaustion 5e?

There are a number of effects that cause exhaustion. The following is more of a reference than a complete list:

Monsters with Exhaustion Effects

  • Gingwatzim (CR 2) – Energy Drain action
  • Jade Tigress (CR 6) – Poison Dart action
  • Soul Monger (CR 11) – Wave of Weariness action
  • Sibriex (CR 18) – Warp Creature feature
  • Kalaraq Quori (CR 19) – Mind Seed feature

D&D 5e Spells That Cause Exhaustion

As of now, only Sickening Radiance can inflict a level of exhaustion on another creature. The only other spells that cause exhaustion is Tenser’s Transformation, which can cause a level of self-inflicted exhaustion if you fail a saving throw when the spell ends.

Exhaustion while Travelling 5e

As mentioned previously, exhaustion is primarily a mechanic to address over extertion while adventuring.

This means that any extreme circumstances can cause a level of exhaustion. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Not eating or drinking enough
  • Exposure to extreme heat or extreme cold
  • Traveling for longer than 8 hours in a day
  • Going 24 hours without a long rest
  • Falling into frigid water
  • Swimming for more than 1 hour
  • Rowing a boat for longer than 8 hours.

Ways to Remove Exhaustion 5e

The simplest way to remove at level of exhaustion is by completing a long rest, assuming that food and water is also ingested as part of the long rest.

Keep in mind that if you are still exposed to extreme heat or cold during a long rest, saving throws against exhaustion will need to be made.

Barring magical artifacts, the only other way to fix exhaustion is to use the Greater Restoration spell, which can reduce the target’s exhaustion level by one.

In this post we have covered the Exhaustion 5e, I hope you have liked this post. Thanks for visiting this post.