Eberron Eyes of The Lich Queen PDF

Eberron Eyes of The Lich Queen PDF: Dungeons & Dragons game, draws on the richness of the Eberron campaign setting. Designed for heroes of 5th level. This adventure sends them on a world-spanning journey as they battle cultists, pirates, long-dead spirits, and even dragons in their search for the enigmatic Dragon’s Eye. What Happen In …

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Chronicles of Darkness PDF Download

Chronicles of Darkness PDF: In the shadows and between the cracks of our everyday lives hide the Chronicles of Darkness. Here lurk creatures of ancient myth and urban legend. Here lie the graves of angels and the bunkers of secret government programs. Here every malformed horror you’ve ever seen out of the corner of your eye …

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Creatures of the Tomb PDF

This supplement is for dungeon masters looking to add an extra bit of mystery and perhaps a flavor of horror to their adventures, and to challenge players with something they may have not seen before. Within are many original creatures, inspired from our own imaginations, past readings, or from further delving into mythology to see …

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